Bible, Glitter and Glue
In each weekly episode, Bible teachers, David and Mary Nelson, study and discuss an event from the Bible and then exchange ideas for creative teaching.
111 episodes
Let My People Go
Moses and Aaron told Pharaoh that the Lord wanted His people to stop being slaves and to leave Egypt. Pharaoh became angry and treated the Israelites even more harshly. One after another, the Lord sent ten different plagues upon the Egyptian pe...
Season 11
Episode 3
The Lord Speaks to Moses from a Burning Bush
Even though Moses grew into adulthood in the Pharaoh’s palace, he always knew he was a Hebrew. After killing an Egyptian who was beating a Hebrew slave, Moses fled to Midian for his own safety. During the next forty years, he married and helped...
Season 11
Episode 2
The Birth of Moses
Almost 400 years had passed since Joseph’s family, the Israelites, moved to Egypt. They were now slaves, and the current Pharaoh worried they had become so numerous. He ordered the deaths of all baby boys born to them. One mother, Jochebed, pla...
Season 11
Episode 1
Merry Christmas 2024
Merry Christmas from David and Mary!We will be back producing more episodes in January.Scripture reading today: Luke 2:8-20If you...
Joseph Saves His Family
Egypt and the regions near it experienced a seven-year famine. When Joseph’s brothers travelled to Egypt to obtain grain, Joseph did not reveal his identity until he saw that they were sorry for what they had done to him in the past. Joseph rev...
Season 10
Episode 12
Joseph in Egypt
In Egypt, Joseph became a slave to an official named Potiphar and quickly rose to be the head servant of the household. After Potiphar’s wife lied about him, Joseph was imprisoned. After interpreting the dreams of fellow prisoners, Joseph was i...
Season 10
Episode 11
Joseph is Sold By His Brothers
Jacob had twelve sons, but his favourite was Joseph. Joseph’s brothers were jealous, so they conspired together and sold him as a slave to some traders heading for Egypt. They told their father that Joseph was dead.Bible ve...
Season 10
Episode 10
Jacob Goes to Haran
Having deceived his brother and father, Jacob escaped to relatives in Haran. During the journey, Jacob dreamed of a stairway between heaven and earth on which angels were ascending and descending to the Lord at the top. God reassured Jacob of h...
Season 10
Episode 9
Jacob, Esau and the Birthright
Esau and Jacob were the twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah. Esau should have inherited the responsibilities and blessings that come with being the oldest son, but he rashly sold his birthright to his younger brother for a pot of stew. Later, in an ...
Season 10
Episode 8
A Wife for Isaac
Abraham wanted his son to marry a woman who worshipped the “true and living God,” so he sent a servant back to the land of his relatives to find a wife for Isaac. Rebekah and her family believed in God. She left her home and her family and trav...
Season 10
Episode 7
Abraham Prepares to Sacrifice Isaac
Abraham’s faith was tested when the Lord asked him to sacrifice Isaac on an altar. Abraham had a strong faith in God’s earlier promise that he would have many descendants, so he set out to prepare an altar and kill his only son. Abraham display...
Season 10
Episode 6
Sodom and Gomorrah
Upon learning that the Lord was about to destroy the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham bargains with God to spare the city if he can find just ten righteous people. But only one man, Lot, was found righteous, and the cities were dest...
Season 10
Episode 5
Abraham's Three Visitors
God changed Abram and Sarai’s names to Abraham and Sarah. When they hosted three visitors, they were told that God would give them a child within the year. The promise was fulfilled when Sarah gave birth to a son, Isaac, one year later. Abraham...
Season 10
Episode 4
Abram Gives Lot First Choice
Abram and his nephew, Lot, both prospered while living in the land of Canaan. Their servants began to argue over whose flocks and herds should have the small amount of grass that was available. To solve the problem, Abram told Lot to choose an ...
Season 10
Episode 3
God Calls Abram
God chose one man, Abram, to be the beginning of a new nation called God’s People. He told Abram to leave his home and relatives and set out travelling. Abram, his wife, Sarai, and nephew, Lot, left home. He began to travel and live in tents. T...
Season 10
Episode 2
The Tower of Babel
After Noah and his family left the ark, God planned for them to spread out over the whole earth and repopulate it. Instead, in their pride, they gathered in one place and began to build a tower. To intervene, the Lord confused and stopped their...
Season 10
Episode 1
The Flood and God's Promise
When Noah, his family, and the animals entered the ark, the rains began and continued for forty days. The whole earth was covered in water. Even after the rains stopped, the ark continued to float for a total of 150 days until it was grounded o...
Season 9
Episode 11
Noah Builds an Ark
As time went by, people became more and more evil. Only Noah was obedient and pleased God. God gave Noah special instructions to build a huge boat (ark). This ark would keep Noah and his family safe from the floods that were about to cover the ...
Season 9
Episode 10
Cain and Abel
Two of Adam and Eve’s sons were Cain (a farmer) and Abel (a shepherd). Abel was faithful and offered the best meat from the best lamb in his flock to God as a sacrifice. Cain offered some produce from his crops as his offering to God. God was p...
Season 9
Episode 9
The Fall of Man
Adam and Eve were happy in the Garden of Eden, where God provided for all of their needs. God gave them only one rule: do not eat from the tree in the middle of the garden. The serpent came to Eve, tempted her with lies, and convinced her to ea...
Season 9
Episode 8
Day 7 - God Rested
After spending six days creating the world, God considered the seventh day a special day to rest. God did not rest because He was tired; He did not become exhausted or run out of energy. God’s work of creation was perfect, and the seventh day w...
Season 9
Episode 7
Day 6 - God Created Animals and People
On the last day of creation, God created animals. After this, it was finally time for God to create man and woman. There was something special about this last creature of creation. God created man and woman in His “own image.” As seen in Adam a...
Season 9
Episode 6
Day 5 - God Created Sea Creatures and Birds
God filled the oceans with all sorts of creatures on the fifth day. He also created birds on this day. Not only did He create these creatures, He made them with the ability to reproduce.Bible verses used in this episode:
Season 9
Episode 5
Day 4 - God Created the Sun, Moon, Stars
Before the fourth day, there was a type of light, but on this day, God created the sun to give a bright light that was called day. He also created the stars and moon we see in the night sky. Because of this, there could be seasons and time as w...
Season 9
Episode 4
Day 3- God Created Land and Plants
On the third day of creation, God separated land and sea and caused dry land to appear. God also created vegetation on the third day. The creation must have begun to take on beauty and majesty. The creation of our world was done in an orderly f...
Season 9
Episode 3