Bible, Glitter and Glue
In each weekly episode, Bible teachers, David and Mary Nelson, study and discuss an event from the Bible and then exchange ideas for creative teaching.
Bible, Glitter and Glue
Crossing the Red Sea
God’s people were finally on their way to their own land, Canaan! A pillar of cloud led the way by day, and a pillar of fire guided them at night. As the Israelites arrived at the edge of the Red Sea, Pharaoh and his army caught up with them. Pharaoh had changed his mind yet again! The Lord protected His frightened people. The pillar of the cloud moved between the Israelites and the Egyptian army. Moses then stretched his hand across the sea, and the Lord caused a great wind to part the water and hold it back while the estimated two million Israelites passed through. When the Egyptians followed them, the Lord caused the water to flood and kill all of them.
Bible verses used in this episode:
- God directs the Israelites to the edge of the sea (Exodus 13:17-14:4)
- Pharaoh’s army follows, and the Israelites doubt (Exodus 14:5-14)
- The Israelites cross the parted sea. The Egyptians follow and drown. (Exodus 14:15-31)
- Celebration and Worship (Exodus 15:1-21)
Tips for teaching children:
- Look for “exit” signs and talk about how “exodus” means “exit”.
- Write names and words from the story on cards. Children take turns drawing a card and then dancing in a way that makes the others guess what was written on the card (similar to charades)
- Ask the children to share something this story teaches us about God.
- Write a song or poem about God’s strength.
- For a simple craft have the children decorate a cloud and a pillar of fire.
Tips for teaching adults:
- Choose participants to read the following passages aloud for the class:
- Exodus 13:17 – 14:31
- Exodus 15:1-18.
- If time is more restricted, choose either to read either Exodus 13:17-4:31 or Exodus 15:1-18
- Begin the class by singing one or two songs with the theme of victory, battle, and warfare. For instance, you could sing “The Battle Belongs to the Lord” or “Onward Christian Soldiers”.
- Here’s a link to a map that helps one to see possible routes of the Exodus from Egypt. Download Map 8.
- For something different, use this YouTube link to a modern Hebrew composition of the song in Exodus 15. It is sung in modern Hebrew but has Hebrew and English subtitles and a video background.
- This event is told as a military victory with God as the victorious warrior-king who defeated the oppressive enemy. Ask the class to discuss how the death/resurrection of Jesus can be described and understood as the victory of God over an oppressive enemy.
Full teaching instructions free from Mission Bible Class:
Bible Lesson: Crossing the Red Sea
Scriptures quoted from the International Children’s Bible®, copyright ©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.
Excerpts from Mission Bible Class used by permission.
Music: Upbeat Positive Culture (Acoustic Corporate Travel Promo Christian Rock), Individual License, Stock Media provided by HumansWin, pond5.com
For questions or comments email: mary@missionbibleclass.org