Bible, Glitter and Glue
In each weekly episode, Bible teachers, David and Mary Nelson, study and discuss an event from the Bible and then exchange ideas for creative teaching.
Bible, Glitter and Glue
The Ten Commandments
The Lord knew that His people would need rules so that they could get along and they would know how to love and obey Him. When the Israelites came to Mount Sinai, Moses went up on the mountain, and the Lord laid out his covenant with his people, which included the Ten Commandments and laws for life and worship. As the people watched Moses ascend the mountain into God’s presence, they heard thunder and trumpet sounds and saw lightning and smoke. The Lord wrote the commands on tablets of stone and gave them to Moses for the people.
Bible verses used in this episode:
Exodus 19:1-20:21 and Exodus 24:1-24
- God prepares the people to receive the Law (Exodus 19:1-25)
- The 10 commandments (Exodus 20:1-21)
- Formal agreement and stone tablets (Exodus 24:1-18)
Tips for teaching children:
- Play the memory game: Write the commandments on ten individual index cards and then make a duplicate set. Lay the cards face down on a tabletop and mix them up. Children take turns turning over two cards in hopes of making a matching set.
- Read John 15:14 together and discuss how obedience relates to love.
- Make “stone tablets” from salt dough or clay.
Tips for teaching adults:
- Use either ten pieces of paper or ten index cards and write one commandment on each. Turn the ten papers facedown on a flat surface and then mix them up. Have the students take turns turning a paper over. Once the commandment is revealed, the student should tell the others which commandment it is (first, second, third, etc.). They can refer to the Bible for the answer if needed. Once answered, turn the card back over and mix it in with the others. Students continue to turn cards over and answer until they are familiar with all of the commandments. Finish off by turning all of the cards over and putting the commandments in order.
- Challenge the class members to find ways to do the commandments during the week. As they go about their lives, they should look for specific ways that obeying God impacts their own life and the lives of others. Ask them to be prepared to share their experiences during your next gathering.
- For instance, “You must not have any gods except me”. How have they practised this?
- Or “you must not steal.” How can you practice the positive counterpart to this, “You must be generous?”
Full teaching instructions free from Mission Bible Class:
Bible Lesson: The Ten Commandments
Scriptures quoted from the International Children’s Bible®, copyright ©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.
Excerpts from Mission Bible Class used by permission.
Music: Upbeat Positive Culture (Acoustic Corporate Travel Promo Christian Rock), Individual License, Stock Media provided by HumansWin, pond5.com
For questions or comments email: mary@missionbibleclass.org