Bible, Glitter and Glue
In each weekly episode, Bible teachers, David and Mary Nelson, study and discuss an event from the Bible and then exchange ideas for creative teaching.
Bible, Glitter and Glue
Jacob, Esau and the Birthright
Esau and Jacob were the twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah. Esau should have inherited the responsibilities and blessings that come with being the oldest son, but he rashly sold his birthright to his younger brother for a pot of stew. Later, in an elaborate act of deception, Rebekah and her favourite son, Jacob, tricked the elderly and blind Isaac. He was fooled into promising Jacob the family blessing. Jacob escaped his angry brother by travelling to his mother’s people in the city of Haran.
Bible verses used in this episode:
- Twin sons are born to Isaac and Rebekah (Genesis 25:19-26)
- Esau sells his birthright to Jacob (Genesis 25:27-34)
- Rebekah and Jacob trick Isaac (Genesis 27:1-40)
- Jacob escapes to Haran to find a wife (Genesis 27:41-28:5)
Tips for teaching children:
- Before telling the story, place a blindfold on a child volunteer. Hand them various items that they can feel and identify. Afterwards, tell the children that there will be a blind person in today’s story.
- Use paper, a whiteboard, sand, and a stick to draw the four main characters (Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob, Esau). These can be simple stick figures. Help the children describe each character and what we have learned about them in today’s story.
- Help the children concoct a stew. You could begin with a simple broth made with an instant soup packet and boiling water. Supply various ingredients and spices so children can add what they wish.
Tips for teaching adults:
- Since this is a long story, perhaps you can divide the class into two groups and ask them to read the story and discuss aspects of the story. Hand each group a list of questions they are to discuss among themselves. After discussing these questions, gather the groups again to compare their discussion and responses.
- Here are a few questions to hand to the two groups:
- In what ways are deception and trickery manifested in the story?
- What do you see as a primary theme in this story? Why?
- Describe the characters of this story: Esau, Jacob, Isaac and Rebekah. What are the positive and negative aspects of their characters?
- What is one lesson to be learned from the story?
Full teaching instructions free from Mission Bible Class:
Bible Lesson: Jacob, Esau, and the Birthright
Scriptures quoted from the International Children’s Bible®, copyright ©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.
Excerpts from Mission Bible Class used by permission.
Music: Upbeat Positive Culture (Acoustic Corporate Travel Promo Christian Rock), Individual License, Stock Media provided by HumansWin, pond5.com
For questions or comments email: mary@missionbibleclass.org