Bible, Glitter and Glue
In each weekly episode, Bible teachers, David and Mary Nelson, study and discuss an event from the Bible and then exchange ideas for creative teaching.
Bible, Glitter and Glue
A Wife for Isaac
Abraham wanted his son to marry a woman who worshipped the “true and living God,” so he sent a servant back to the land of his relatives to find a wife for Isaac. Rebekah and her family believed in God. She left her home and her family and travelled back to Canaan to become Isaac’s wife. Isaac married her and loved her, and they followed God together.
Bible verses used in this episode:
- Abraham sends his servant to find a wife for Isaac (Genesis 24:1-9)
- The servant encounters Rebekah and her family (Genesis 24:10-61)
- Isaac and Rebecca marry (Genesis 24:62-67)
Tips for teaching children:
- Gather wedding pictures to show the children. This is more fun if it is of people they know.
- Invite a married couple to talk to the children about what it is like to be married to a Christian.
- Trace the servant’s journey on a map.
Tips for teaching adults:
- You, the teacher, may best summarise this long chapter for the class. Or, if you have more time, divide up the chapter and choose several readers to read it aloud.
- Have the class name various marriage customs in our world today that they are familiar with, such as “arranged marriages” or “choosing your own partner”. Discuss the pros and cons of each of these customs.
- Ask the class to consider their own background and marriage. Then, we will open up a discussion about how the way we are brought up affects our marriage (good, bad, or just interesting).
Full teaching instructions free from Mission Bible Class:
Bible Lesson: A Wife for Isaac
Scriptures quoted from the International Children’s Bible®, copyright ©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.
Excerpts from Mission Bible Class used by permission.
Music: Upbeat Positive Culture (Acoustic Corporate Travel Promo Christian Rock), Individual License, Stock Media provided by HumansWin, pond5.com
For questions or comments email: mary@missionbibleclass.org